Blistered skin pattern resembles peanut shells. Unique heirloom with flattened-globe shape and salmon-pink skin. While the amount of skin blistering increases as a result of time spent on the vine, we recommend harvesting at maturity because fruits can crack when overmature. Galeux d'Eysines is an ornamental with a ...
Blistered skin pattern resembles peanut shells. Unique heirloom with flattened-globe shape and salmon-pink skin. While the amount of skin blistering increases as a result of time spent on the vine, we recommend harvesting at maturity because fruits can crack when overmature. Galeux d'Eysines is an ornamental with a lot of character but also lends good flavor to soups and stews. Long vine plant habit. Fruits avg. 15 lb. Avg. yield: 2 fruits/plant. Also known as peanut pumpkin. Tags: Type: Maxima, Color: Bi-Colored, Specialty: Storage, Season: Late Summer Fall, Seed: Safe Seed Pledge.