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150 Seeds
Qty: 1 - $3.50
Number of Plants 0
Weight 0 oz
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The common bean originated in the Andes. Foundation of Native American agriculture and part of the Three Sister guild: corn, beans and squash. Beans are legumes and fix nitrogen into the soil. Leaf is occasionally used as a leaf vegetable. Regarding seed born bean disease, soak seeds in 20 percent bleach solution for 15-30 minutes and dry before planting to kill exterior pathogens. Dry seed enough to shatter when banged with a hammer, then freeze for three days to kill weevil eggs. Delicious bean recipes.
Companions All: celery, corn, squash
Bush: cucumbers, strawberries
Lima: locust trees
Pole: radish
Inhibitors All: onions
Pole: kohlrabi, sunflowers
The common bean originated in the Andes. Foundation of Native American agriculture and part of the Three Sister guild: corn, beans and squash. Beans are legumes and fix nitrogen into the soil. Leaf is occasionally used as a leaf vegetable. Regarding seed born bean disease, soak seeds in 20 percent bleach solution for 15-30 minutes and dry before planting to kill exterior pathogens. Dry seed enough to shatter when banged with a hammer, then freeze for three days to kill weevil eggs. Delicious bean recipes.
Companions All: celery, corn, squash
Bush: cucumbers, strawberries
Lima: locust trees
Pole: radish
Inhibitors All: onions
Pole: kohlrabi, sunflowers
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