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150 Seeds
Qty: 1 - $3.50
Number of Plants 0
Weight 0 oz
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Originated in the fertile crescent in ancient Persia carried by traders to India and China via Nepal. Evolved to bolt very early in spring with less than 14 hours of light per day. This allowed spinach to mature seed before the heat of summer in the Middle East. Seeds then lay dormant to only germinate with cool, wet weather in fall, repeating the cycle. Spinach is rich in antioxidants and vitamins including A, C, E, folic acid, iron and calcium. Savoy types are usually darker green and have more heft bagged but require more washing. Flat smooth are easier to wash but require more leaves per bag because they pack more tightly.
Most widely grown for seed in the Skagit Valley of Washington and central Denmark because of cool wet springs followed by dry cool summers below 75˚F/24˚C. To grow for seed sow as soon as the ground can be worked to get a large vegetative rosette before flowering begins. Spinach can also be started in the fall to over winter for seed in the spring but this can act as a green bridge disease to survive through the winter. Space wider for seed than for spinach vegetable production at 8 to 12” within rows. Delicious spinach recipes.
Companions: strawberries
Originated in the fertile crescent in ancient Persia carried by traders to India and China via Nepal. Evolved to bolt very early in spring with less than 14 hours of light per day. This allowed spinach to mature seed before the heat of summer in the Middle East. Seeds then lay dormant to only germinate with cool, wet weather in fall, repeating the cycle. Spinach is rich in antioxidants and vitamins including A, C, E, folic acid, iron and calcium. Savoy types are usually darker green and have more heft bagged but require more washing. Flat smooth are easier to wash but require more leaves per bag because they pack more tightly.
Most widely grown for seed in the Skagit Valley of Washington and central Denmark because of cool wet springs followed by dry cool summers below 75˚F/24˚C. To grow for seed sow as soon as the ground can be worked to get a large vegetative rosette before flowering begins. Spinach can also be started in the fall to over winter for seed in the spring but this can act as a green bridge disease to survive through the winter. Space wider for seed than for spinach vegetable production at 8 to 12” within rows. Delicious spinach recipes.
Companions: strawberries