Celeriac is derived from wild celery, which has a small, edible root and has been used in Europe since ancient times. It is mentioned in Homer's Odyssey as selinon. Originated in the Mediterranean Basin and in Northern Europe, celeriac grows wild and is widely cultivated. It is also cultivated in North Africa, Siberia, Southwest Asia, and North America. Delicious celeriac recipes.
Companions: leeks, scarlet runner beans

##Restoration Seeds Celeriac Variety Trial: started 3/12, photo 6/12 following year, 455 days from sowing, zone 7b Southern Oregon. Varieties from left to right: Giant Prague, Monarch, Prinz. Giant Prague was a smaller plant but had most uniform roots, Monarch was the most vigorous vegetative plant. Grown in clay loam soil, not ideal. All roots would do better in looser soil. Photo past ideal harvest date bolting.