Direct sow after last frost 2–3 seeds per inch, thing to 4–6”. Start indoors 4 weeks before last frost, transplant out. Drought tolerant and does well in low nutrient soil. Plant every 2-3 weeks from spring through early summer to ensure a steady harvest. The leaf production of each Epazote plant is greatly increased by this pinching. Although epazote is a perennial, the entire above-ground plant will die back each year. Providing the soil hasn't dried out, the roots will continue to produce year after year. Invasive if allowed to self seed in your garden, clip off flowers of the plant before seeds form. Seeds require light to germinate, press into soil, do not cover. Soil pH 5.2-8.3. Hardiness zones 8-11. Annual.
Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 150,000 seeds per ounce. Usual seed life 3–4 years.
Planting Depth surface requires light
Soil Temp. Germ. 70˚F
Days to Germ. 7-14
Plant Spacing 36”
Row Spacing 5-6’
Days To Maturity 55
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained