Start new perennial kale plants in a flat indoors when you sow other seeds of the brassica family in your climate. When baby plants are 3-5 inches tall, transplant into 1 or 2 gallon pots. Plant the larger plants into garden beds in the fall. Perennial kale is also easy to direct sow into a well prepared garden bed. Keep watered and weeded while they establish. Propagation through a cutting is also possible during cooler months of fall, winter or spring. Cut a side branch of the plant, and stick it in a garden bed or nursery pot. Keep moist while the new roots develop. These plants typically live for 3 years before slowing their production of leaves. Soil pH 6.6-7.5. Hardiness zones 6-10. Perennial.
Planting Depth
1/4"Plant Spacing
18-24”Row Spacing
RefrigerateFull Sun,
Moist Well Drained