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150 Seeds
Qty: 1 - $3.50
Number of Plants 0
Weight 0 oz
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The tomato originated in the highlands of Peru in South America and has spread around the world following the Spanish colonization. A member of the Solanaceae or nightshade family with potato, chili pepper and tobacco. Short lived perennial in its native habitat, grown as an annual in temperate climates. Pollination is reduced if day temperatures exceed 100˚F or drop to 50˚F at night. Determinate types usually have one flower cluster bear leaf node, while indeterminate types often bear only one flower cluster every third node. Variety groups most susceptible to crossing because of a style protruding beyond the anther tube allowing for cross-pollination by insects are currant tomatoes, heirloom, potato leafed and beefsteak varieties. An heirloom tomato can trace its history before 1951 or WWII. Late season varieties are recommended for zone 9 or warmer. Delicious tomato recipes.
Companions: basil, parsley, chives, onions, carrots, marigolds, nasturtium
Inhibitors: cabbage family, fennel, dill, potatoes, borage
The tomato originated in the highlands of Peru in South America and has spread around the world following the Spanish colonization. A member of the Solanaceae or nightshade family with potato, chili pepper and tobacco. Short lived perennial in its native habitat, grown as an annual in temperate climates. Pollination is reduced if day temperatures exceed 100˚F or drop to 50˚F at night. Determinate types usually have one flower cluster bear leaf node, while indeterminate types often bear only one flower cluster every third node. Variety groups most susceptible to crossing because of a style protruding beyond the anther tube allowing for cross-pollination by insects are currant tomatoes, heirloom, potato leafed and beefsteak varieties. An heirloom tomato can trace its history before 1951 or WWII. Late season varieties are recommended for zone 9 or warmer. Delicious tomato recipes.
Companions: basil, parsley, chives, onions, carrots, marigolds, nasturtium
Inhibitors: cabbage family, fennel, dill, potatoes, borage
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Type: Indeterminate