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150 Seeds
Qty: 1 - $3.50
Number of Plants 0
Weight 0 oz
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The center of origin of watermelon is the Kalahari Desert region of southern Africa. It has been cultivated in Egypt for 4,000 years. Watermelon is loosely consider a melon but is actually in the genus Cucumis. A watermelon is 6 percent sugar by eight and high in vitamin C. Fruit is ripe when vine tendril connection is brown and dead, and where the fruit rests on the ground is yellow. Watermelon has at least six major flesh colors: scarlet red, coral red, orange, canary yellow, golden yellow and white. Watermelon types are: seedless, picnic, icebox and yellow/orange flesh type. Delicious watermelon recipes.
Companions: potatoes
Inhibitors: tall growing vegetables
The center of origin of watermelon is the Kalahari Desert region of southern Africa. It has been cultivated in Egypt for 4,000 years. Watermelon is loosely consider a melon but is actually in the genus Cucumis. A watermelon is 6 percent sugar by eight and high in vitamin C. Fruit is ripe when vine tendril connection is brown and dead, and where the fruit rests on the ground is yellow. Watermelon has at least six major flesh colors: scarlet red, coral red, orange, canary yellow, golden yellow and white. Watermelon types are: seedless, picnic, icebox and yellow/orange flesh type. Delicious watermelon recipes.
Companions: potatoes
Inhibitors: tall growing vegetables