Released in 1928 for trial by C.C. Morse and Co. of San Francisco, CA. So successful that it replaced the original Santa Clara Canner by 1933. Parent stock source USDA Northeast Regional Plant Inventory Station, PI number 270226 75A1. Originated in Italy, became popular in the U.S. for canning in the Santa Clara Val...
Released in 1928 for trial by C.C. Morse and Co. of San Francisco, CA. So successful that it replaced the original Santa Clara Canner by 1933. Parent stock source USDA Northeast Regional Plant Inventory Station, PI number 270226 75A1. Originated in Italy, became popular in the U.S. for canning in the Santa Clara Valley, California. Uniform 8-10 oz rich red orange fruit, also a good slicer. Thick skinned and walled, meaty. Tags: Type: Indeterminate, Harvest: Mid, Color: Bi-Colored, Size: Large, Shape: Round, Specialty: Canner, Heritage: Heirloom, Season: Summer, Certification: Organic.