Start with bottom heat indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost, plant out after frost. Direct seed when soil temps are above 55-60˚F. Remove flower stems to increase leaf production. Keep well watered through the season. Divide clumps after 3 years or about 12” across. For a winter crop, dig up a clump after the foliage dies back in the fall. Plant in a container, place in a bright sunny windowsill. Germination may be erratic when the temperature exceeds 54–60˚F (12-15˚C). Soil pH 6.1-8.5. Hardiness zones 3-12. Perennial.
Average 16,600 seeds per ounce. Federal germination standard: 50%. Usual seed life 2–3 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 150 feet.
Planting Depth
1/4”Soil Temp. Germ.
45–55˚FDays to Germ.
7-14Plant Spacing
8-12”Row Spacing
18-24”Days To Maturity
RefrigerateFull Shade,
Moist Well Drained