Start 2-3 seeds in flats or 4” pots 3-4 weeks before transplanting, thin to 1-2 plants. Direct seed after last frost followed by multiple successions until three months before last frost. Seeds will rot in cool wet soil, 5-6 seeds to a hill. Pinch new blossoms midsummer to encourage larger set fruit size. Plastic mulch and floating row covers can be used to increase soil and air temperature, and reduce cucumber beetle damage to young seedlings. Soil pH 5.8-7.0. Hardiness zones 4-11. Annual.
Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 176-300 seeds per ounce. Average 22M seeds per acre. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life: 6 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1/2 mile.
Planting Depth 1/2-1” Soil Temp. Germ. 70-85˚F Days to Germ. 3-10 Plant Spacing 18-24” Row Spacing 36-40” Days To Maturity 44–47 Full Sun, Moist Well Drained
Plant is somewhat open and quite vigorous. Fruit diameter is 2–3” (6-8 cm) and is globe shaped. Fruit is medium green with some gray overtones. Excellent when eaten small and has mild flavor. Tags: Color: Green, Heritage: Heirloom.