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150 Seeds

Qty: 1 - $3.50

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US Imperial
Direct Sow

Number of Plants 0

Weight 0 oz

at 0 seeds per foot


US Imperial

Number of Seeds: 0

Seeds per 100 feet: 0


Vicia faba


Favas are hardy annuals, tolerating frost but not prolonged freezes. In mild climates zone 7 or higher, sow 3 weeks before the first hard killing frost for spring harvest. Favas grown in zone 6 and below should be planted only in the spring. Also sow in early Spring for Fall harvest, February to early April, germination takes longer. Separation by flower time may let grow two varieties that would not cross. Plants do not tolerate heat. Eat fresh when pods are green or harvest for storage and seed when pods are black. Among the highest rates of nitrogen fixing for beans. Soil pH 6.1-7.8. Hardiness zones 3-11. Annual.

Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 15-20 seeds per ounce, average 275 seeds per pound. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life 3-6 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1 mile.

Planting Depth 1-2”
Soil Temp. Germ. 55-75˚F
Days to Germ. 5-30
Plant Spacing 4-6”
Row Spacing 18-30”
Days To Maturity 70-240
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained


Windsor Seed Count
25 Beans ≈ 25 seeds

  • 15 Beans$4.10
Classic English variety with 5-6” beans pods. Each pod contains 2 to 6 large 3/4” to 1” beans per pod. Light cream, tan, and light brown coloration. Tags: Color: White, Heritage: Heirloom, Season: Summer


Vicia faba

Classic English variety with 5-6” beans pods. Each pod contains 2 to 6 large 3/4” to 1” beans per pod. Light cream, tan, and light brown coloration. Tags: Color: White, Heritage: Heirloom, Season: Summer


Favas are hardy annuals, tolerating frost but not prolonged freezes. In mild climates zone 7 or higher, sow 3 weeks before the first hard killing frost for spring harvest. Favas grown in zone 6 and below should be planted only in the spring. Also sow in early Spring for Fall harvest, February to early April, germination takes longer. Separation by flower time may let grow two varieties that would not cross. Plants do not tolerate heat. Eat fresh when pods are green or harvest for storage and seed when pods are black. Among the highest rates of nitrogen fixing for beans. Soil pH 6.1-7.8. Hardiness zones 3-11. Annual.

Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 15-20 seeds per ounce, average 275 seeds per pound. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life 3-6 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1 mile.

Planting Depth 1-2”
Soil Temp. Germ. 55-75˚F
Days to Germ. 5-30
Plant Spacing 4-6”
Row Spacing 18-30”
Days To Maturity 70-240
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained


Windsor Seed Count
25 Beans ≈ 25 seeds
