Onion originated in the mountain valleys of the Pamir highlands of Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan. The glacial peaks of the Pamir Altai were known as the Onion Mountains when Marco Polo traveled the region en route to China because of the abundance of both cultivated and wild relatives of the crop in the area. Cultivation dates back to the Bronze Age 5000 BC to ancient Europe and Egypt. The cultivated onion was introduced to North America by Columbus in 1492. Native Americans used wild onions both medicinally and for food. Some A. cepa varieties are used as scallions.There are three basic types of bulb onions: fresh eating onions, storage onions and dehydrated onions. Some A. cepa varieties are used as scallions. Delicious onion recipes.
Companions: cabbage family, beets, lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries, summer savory, chamomile
Inhibitors: peas, beans