Direct sow in the fall or before last frost in a sterile bed. Soak for four hours, then cold moist stratify for 8 weeks before starting. Start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost. If it does not germinate at 65-75˚F in 3-4 weeks, return to cool stratification for 2 weeks. Reproduces through rhizomes, will spread through a bed if the soil is loose. Keep bed weed free. Flowers are the part most commonly used, harvested when fully open and then dry in screens. The root is also used, harvested after the leaves die back in the fall and then dried. Growing at home takes the pressure from over collection the wild species. Seeds require light to germinate, press into soil, do not cover. Soil pH 4.6-6.5. Hardiness zones 3-9. Biennial.
Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 40,000 - 50,000 seeds per ounce. There are no Federal germination standards for commercially sold herb seeds. Usual seed life 3-5 years. The apomictic seed, does not require pollination and will produce an identical plant to its mother plant. Save your seed, there is no concern for a minimum genetic population or hybridization.
Planting Depth
surface requires light
Soil Temp. Germ.
65-75˚F stratify
Days to Germ.
20-60Plant Spacing
6-12”Row Spacing
12-24”Days To Maturity
90Full Sun,
Moist Well Drained