Start indoors 4 weeks before last frost, plant out 1 week after frost. For fall harvest, transplant 10 weeks before first frost, without additional protection. Harden off outside and reduce water 2-3 days before planting out after last frost. Direct sow outside after last frost, light frost. Start every three weeks for continued bulb harvest. Dry herb bunches by hanging from ceiling or lay on screens in a dark, dry, ventilated location. Harvest at peak maturity when flowers are just beginning to appear, leaves contain the most essential oils at that time. Seed is harvested by cutting flower heads when seed is green, fully sized, beginning to ripen. Dry seed heads upside down in a paper bag for a week. Soil pH 6.1-7.0. Hardiness zones 6. Biennial.
Average 6,300-9,500 seeds per ounce. Usual seed life: 4 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1/2 mile.
Planting Depth
1/4-1/2”Soil Temp. Germ.
50-75˚FDays to Germ.
7-10Plant Spacing
6”Row Spacing
12-18”Days To Maturity
75Full Sun,
Moist Well Drained