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150 Seeds

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Minnesota Midget

"Cucumis melo

Start indoors 3–4 weeks before last frost, plant out 2 weeks after last frost. Direct sow 1-2 weeks after last frost date. Sow in rows or thin to 12" apart 2-3 plants per hill. Melons are heat lovers, and require warm springs and warm nights. In cooler climates, use plastic mulch to increase the soil and air temperature. Using floating row covers also helps. Heavy feeder, thrive in well-decayed organic matter or compost. Moist well-drained soil is important in early stages of pollination. After fruit set, do not water unless the soil is very dry and leaves begin to wilt. Best flavor produced in dry weather. Fruit is mature when fruit turns color and slips from the vine. Soil pH 6-7.5. Hardiness zones 4. Annual.

Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 1,260 seeds per ounce. Average 15M seeds per acre. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life: 5 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1/2 mile.

Planting Depth 1/4-1/2”
Soil Temp. Germ. 70-85˚F
Days to Germ. 3-10
Plant Spacing 18”
Row Spacing 5-6’
Days To Maturity 60–75
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained


Minnesota Midget Seed Count
1 Ounce ≈ 1,027 seeds
.25 Pound ≈ 4,109 seeds
  • 30 Seeds$4.10
Small, 4–5” open-pollinated heirloom melon that is traditionally dry-farmed. Sweet Orange Flesh. The outside turns from green with ivory cantaloupe stripes to strongly orange-blushed in the days right before ripening. Good short season variety that falls off the vine, so no guessing when ripe! In areas with a longer...
Small, 4–5” open-pollinated heirloom melon that is traditionally dry-farmed. Sweet Orange Flesh. The outside turns from green with ivory cantaloupe stripes to strongly orange-blushed in the days right before ripening. Good short season variety that falls off the vine, so no guessing when ripe! In areas with a longer growing period, it is possible to grow two crops per year. Bred for northern growers at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul in 1948 and introduced by Farmer Seed and Nursery Company. Tags: Color: Orange, Size: Small, Shape: Round, Heritage: Heirloom, Season: Summer.
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Minnesota Midget

"Cucumis melo
Small, 4–5” open-pollinated heirloom melon that is traditionally dry-farmed. Sweet Orange Flesh. The outside turns from green with ivory cantaloupe stripes to strongly orange-blushed in the days right before ripening. Good short season variety that falls off th...
Small, 4–5” open-pollinated heirloom melon that is traditionally dry-farmed. Sweet Orange Flesh. The outside turns from green with ivory cantaloupe stripes to strongly orange-blushed in the days right before ripening. Good short season variety that falls off the vine, so no guessing when ripe! In areas with a longer growing period, it is possible to grow two crops per year. Bred for northern growers at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul in 1948 and introduced by Farmer Seed and Nursery Company. Tags: Color: Orange, Size: Small, Shape: Round, Heritage: Heirloom, Season: Summer.
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Start indoors 3–4 weeks before last frost, plant out 2 weeks after last frost. Direct sow 1-2 weeks after last frost date. Sow in rows or thin to 12" apart 2-3 plants per hill. Melons are heat lovers, and require warm springs and warm nights. In cooler climates, use plastic mulch to increase the soil and air temperature. Using floating row covers also helps. Heavy feeder, thrive in well-decayed organic matter or compost. Moist well-drained soil is important in early stages of pollination. After fruit set, do not water unless the soil is very dry and leaves begin to wilt. Best flavor produced in dry weather. Fruit is mature when fruit turns color and slips from the vine. Soil pH 6-7.5. Hardiness zones 4. Annual.

Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 1,260 seeds per ounce. Average 15M seeds per acre. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life: 5 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1/2 mile.

Planting Depth 1/4-1/2”
Soil Temp. Germ. 70-85˚F
Days to Germ. 3-10
Plant Spacing 18”
Row Spacing 5-6’
Days To Maturity 60–75
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained


Minnesota Midget Seed Count
1 Ounce ≈ 1,027 seeds
.25 Pound ≈ 4,109 seeds