Direct sow 2–4 weeks before last frost, space seed every 1”, thinning is not necessary. In mild winter climates, sow in fall. You can also start indoors 6–8 weeks before last frost and plant out after frost. Keep moist, well drained until germination and true leave are established. Beautiful planted with Forget-me-nots. Surface sow, press into soil, do not cover. Soil pH 6.1–7.8. Hardiness zones 3–10. Annual.
Usual seed life: 3–5 years.
Planting Depth
surfaceSoil Temp. Germ.
65–70˚FDays to Germ.
5–20Plant Spacing
6–12”Row Spacing
18–24”Days To Maturity
60–90Full Sun,
Dry Climate