Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost or direct sow 1 to 2 weeks after last frost. Flowers the following year. Flowers are edible, attracts bees, butterflies and birds. Has fragrant clove scent. Rest of the plant is poisonous. Divide large clumps in September, may self-seed, seeds are heady so they stay put and plant does not wander far. Easy to collect seed after flowers fade. Soil pH 6.6-8.5. Hardiness zones 3-9. Biennial.
Planting Depth
1/4”Soil Temp. Germ.
68-72˚FDays to Germ.
1-3 weeksPlant Spacing
8”Row Spacing
8-24”Days To Maturity
100-120Full Sun,
Moist Well Drained