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Evening Sun sunflower

Helianthus annuus

Start indoors 4 weeks before last frost for the earliest sunflowers in your garden and to market. Direct sow 1 to 2 weeks after last frost. We let the birds take the first seeds before we harvest our sunflower seeds. This will also help volunteer them around your garden over the years. Tall plants may need support. Plant out directly after last frost. Growing repeatedly in the same location, sunflowers have an allopathic affect deterring the growth of several mustards and other weeds with a herbicide from their roots. Soil pH 4.5-8.7. Hardiness zones 7. Annual.

Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average between 560-1,120 seeds per ounce. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life 7 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1/2 mile.

Planting Depth 1”
Soil Temp. Germ. 60-70˚F
Days to Germ. 5-10
Plant Spacing 18-24”
Row Spacing 12-24”
Days To Maturity 110
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained


  • 100 Seeds$4.10
  • 1000 Seeds$18.00
This gorgeous sunflower grows 6-8’ tall, and blooms in shades of sunset- yellow, bronze, red, burgundy, and rusty orange. The plants grow many branches of 4-6” flowers that produce early and onward for a long season sunflower. Tags: Harvest: Early, Color: Multi Color, Size: Large.

Evening Sun sunflower

Helianthus annuus
This gorgeous sunflower grows 6-8’ tall, and blooms in shades of sunset- yellow, bronze, red, burgundy, and rusty orange. The plants grow many branches of 4-6” flowers that produce early and onward for a long season sunflower. Tags: Harvest: Early, Color: Multi...
This gorgeous sunflower grows 6-8’ tall, and blooms in shades of sunset- yellow, bronze, red, burgundy, and rusty orange. The plants grow many branches of 4-6” flowers that produce early and onward for a long season sunflower. Tags: Harvest: Early, Color: Multi Color, Size: Large.
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Start indoors 4 weeks before last frost for the earliest sunflowers in your garden and to market. Direct sow 1 to 2 weeks after last frost. We let the birds take the first seeds before we harvest our sunflower seeds. This will also help volunteer them around your garden over the years. Tall plants may need support. Plant out directly after last frost. Growing repeatedly in the same location, sunflowers have an allopathic affect deterring the growth of several mustards and other weeds with a herbicide from their roots. Soil pH 4.5-8.7. Hardiness zones 7. Annual.

Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average between 560-1,120 seeds per ounce. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life 7 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1/2 mile.

Planting Depth 1”
Soil Temp. Germ. 60-70˚F
Days to Germ. 5-10
Plant Spacing 18-24”
Row Spacing 12-24”
Days To Maturity 110
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained


Meet Your Farmer

We promote fair trade, organic practices and environmental responsibility throughout the Restoration Seeds supply chain. Below are the family farmers and seed suppliers who bring our open pollinated seeds to you.

Strong Roots Certified Organic by CCOF Seed grower since 2004
Strong Roots Farm grows certified organic seed, produce, and garden starts in Mendocino County, California. Seeds from the farm go to other seed companies, and are sold through northern California retail outlets and online as Open Circle Seeds.