Start indoors 4–6 weeks before last frost, plant out after frost. Direct sow outdoors in the fall after the frosts of fall have begun. The cold, dormant planting will aid the germination of the seed in spring when temperatures warm. Prefers full sun but can grow in semi-shade. This species can spread in moister sites. Divide after 3–4 years. Sow 10 pounds per acre. Surface sow, press into soil, do not cover. Soil pH 5.1-7.0. Hardiness zones 3-8. Perennial.
Usual seed life 3–5 years.
Soil Temp. Germ.
68˚F stratify
Days to Germ.
21–28Plant Spacing
2–3’Row Spacing
4–5’Days To Maturity
1–2 yearsFull Sun,
Wet Climate