Antibacterial, inhibits growth of Staphylococcus and other infections. Chinese herb Yin Chen used to drain dampness and treat infectious icteric hepatitis, anti-inflamatory. Hepatoprotective, prevents damage to liver similar to Milk Thistle. Artemesisai scoparia is medicinally interchangeable with Artemisia capillar...
Antibacterial, inhibits growth of Staphylococcus and other infections. Chinese herb Yin Chen used to drain dampness and treat infectious icteric hepatitis, anti-inflamatory. Hepatoprotective, prevents damage to liver similar to Milk Thistle. Artemesisai scoparia is medicinally interchangeable with Artemisia capillaris. Tags: Specialty: Deer Resistant, Certification: Organic.
Naturalized in N. Africa, temperate and tropical Asia and most of Europe.